Ever wanted to incorporate real life events into your work and not known how? Or wanted to write about a historic period but not known where to start? This workshop will look at starting both of those things- from initial research, to incorporating real life characters, to creating authentic drama around real life events.
Led by Emily Garside.
Date: 18 April 2021 2pm-4pm
Cost: £9 members/ £13 non members (not a member yet? Sign up here!)
Book here.
Emily Garside is a playwright, dramaturg and academic and by day Arts Marketeer! A specialist in Musical theatre from an academic point of view, her PhD looked at the history of musical theatre and she has since worked on history and analysis of musicals for various publications. Emily is also a dramaturg who has worked on a variety of projects both plays and musical theatre. As Chair of the board for Taking Flight theatre Emily also has expertise in accessible/inclusive theatre an integrated BSL/Captioning. A graduate of RADA and University of Nottingham. She has produced work with Clock Tower Theatre, Freerayne Productions, Dirty Protest Theatre and The Other Room. And her play Don’t Send Flowers has toured to Cardiff, Wolverhampton and Manchester. Emily works regularly with The Arena Theatre Wolverhampton and is a writer for the 14/48 theatre festival there. She has taught Theatre at Cardiff Metropolitan University, the University of South Wales and Wolverhampton University.
Hi Kim, how are you? I would really like to attend this event tomorrow but have tried booking and it says, ‘Sales Ended’. Would love to know of I can still join, or if a spot opens up. Warm wishes, Anna.
Hello Anna, lovely to hear from you and I hope you’re well? I’m so sorry, I’ve only just seen your comment. However, Emily is going to run the session again some time soon as it was fully booked last week. Shall I keep you posted? Best wishes, Kim