Starting a Performing Arts Company
Thursday 1 February from 10.00am – 5.00pm
This course provides an overview of everything you need to be thinking about when setting up and running your own performing arts company.
By the end of this course you will have a basic knowledge of:
- How to decide upon a legal structure
- Registering as a Limited Company
- Deciding whether to apply for Charity status
- Contracts, employment law and legal responsibilities
- Intellectual Property law
- Health and safety requirements
- Financial management and Tax & NI
- Funding a performing arts company
Location: The Albany, Douglas Way, London, SE8 4AG
Fee: This course is offered at a reduced rate of £75+VAT (£90) to assist those starting new companies.
How to book: Bookings can be made on the ITC website.
Source: @Playwriting_UK