The new show Sketching will be a a multi-authored modern take on Charles Dickens’ chronicle of London life ‘Sketches By Boz’. Led by the playwright James Graham, they are now crowd-sourcing ideas and stories from writers for an autumn production at Wilton’s Music Hall in east London.
What they are looking for: writers to contribute strands, to help them work together to interweave them, and collaborate on generating more, together.
hey are deliberately, though not exclusively, seeking out stories and voices from underrepresented communities and people. This might include racially, regionally, socio-economically under-represented writers..
Oh, and you don’t have to be from London. James isn’t.
What you get: If successful you’ll be paid a commission of £1000 for your story, and then expenses to attend a masterclass week with professional artists and writers.
How to apply: find out full information on who and what they are looking for, examples of submissions and other criteria and submit your story on the Sketching website
Deadline: 4 June 2018
Source: BBC Writersroom