Green Stories Writing Competitions are a free set of competitions from The University of Southampton with prizes, open to all, looking for radio plays (deadline 12/7/2019), film screenplay (deadline Sept 2019) and TV series/drama (deadline Nov 2019). Writers are asked to write stories that present positive visions of what a sustainable society might look like, or integrate green characters, policies, solutions etc. in the backdrop of an otherwise mainstream story.
Green Stories Writing Competitions are aimed at students as well as other writers to create a cultural body of work that showcases what a sustainable society might look like. Research by Dr Denise Baden has demonstrated that solution based stories, or stories that smuggle in green ideas/characters in the context of an otherwise mainstream story are more likely to inspire greener behaviours than catastrophic tales of climate change
Upcoming writing competitions
All writing competitions are free to enter and have £750 worth of prizes with student categories. Production companies and a literary agent have agreed to read the top entries.
The Green Stories website also has information about research, story ideas and resources
Stage Play – June 30th 2019
Radio Play/Comedy Series -12th July 2019
Novel – 31st August 2019
Screenplay – Sept 2019
Short film – Oct 2019
TV series – Nov 2019
Interactive Fiction – Dec 2019
Deadlines: various
Source: BBC Writersroom