Don’t Send Flowers by Emily Garside – rehearsed reading invite!

LPW member Emily Garside would like to invite the London Playwrights community to a rehearsed reading of her play ‘Don’t Send Flowers’ at 1.30pm Friday 15th November at the Drayton Arms.

Following a successful run in Cardiff, Wolverhampton and Oldham this year, Emily is working with a new team to bring the piece to London in 2020, and she would love for you to come along to the rehearsed reading and offer your feedback on the reworked version of the play.

The piece is directed by  Adam Sabbatti and they are delighted to have Mateo Oxley, Julia Kellet and Greg Smith reading the play. There will be a post-show discussion and feedback session after the reading in the bar of the Drayton Arms.


Described as ‘an insightful and sensitive look at the subject of death, cancer and love’ (Buzz Magazine)

Grace is in therapy because her Father is dying and she’s not handling it very well. John is in therapy because he’s dying, and also not handling it too well. Louis is in therapy because his work told him he has to be, and because his brother is dying. None of them want to talk to a stranger about the fact this doesn’t make them happy. So, they strike up a friendship with each other. Largely dysfunctional from the outside, it turns out to be exactly what they all need.

Why not go along and offer your support and feedback to a fellow London Playwright!

How to book:  Please RSVP as space is limited to

Don’t Send Flowers (Rehearsed reading)

1.30pm Friday 15th November 2019.

The Drayton Arms Theatre, 153 Old Brompton Rd, Kensington, London SW5 0LJ

Source: direct contact

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