Act Bedford and Content Created – Radio Theatre For The Mind’s Eye

Writers are invited to submit short audio play scripts in this open themed event.

Guidelines Summary Only

  • Do read these guidelines. Usually 25% of submitted pieces do not meet the brief and are discarded.
  • Any topic suitable for daytime broadcast is welcomed. (Broadcaster will reject the strongest language.)
  • The play should run for around 10 minutes in length.
  • Basic sound effects can be suggested.
  • It is planned that a maximum of two actors will be made available for each play. Actors can voice multiple characters.
  • The piece should be original and not have been performed before.
  • The email accompanying a submission should contain contact details, a brief synopsis of the play (50 words max), confirmation that it is your own original work and that you are eighteen or older; also agreement that the play can be broadcasted. (Afterwards the rights to your play belong to you.)
  • The broadcaster’s listeners will be primarily in the age-range 29-49. The season of broadcast will be Winter and some writers might have this in mind as they shape their piece.
  • Only one entry per writer.
  • Judging will be initially based on the first and last page.

At this point any plays which are not for radio/audio broadcast will be discounted.

Plays should be submitted in a standard form such as a pdf file to before the deadline date.

Facebook page has been created for further updates. Look there for full details of the guidelines.

Entrants are invited to view the Facebook page in the late Autumn, to see which plays have been selected to move towards rehearsals. Plays moving successfully through rehearsals will be recorded in early December 2024.

Agreement is made that the successful writers will have their play recorded, played over the radio and receive access to their own copy of the performance.

Deadline for submissions: 8th September 2024

Please note: All writers and performers are unpaid. All radio stations used for broadcast are staffed by volunteers. No adverts are being placed into the plays and no financial benefit will be gained from the plays being broadcast.

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