This year, The Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize will be awarded for the best playwriting response on the theme of Fear.
First place: £3,000
Second place: £1,000
Third place: £1,000
- Open to all nationalities.
- Applicants must be aged 18 or above at the time of entry.
- All entries must be written in English.
- You can enter multiple prizes.
- Submissions are judged anonymously so please do not include your name on your script.
To apply you will be asked to submit the following:
- A completed play that responds to the theme of Fear. The response is up to you and if you think your work is a response, then you are eligible to submit. Plays must be longer than 30 minutes (which is likely around 30-pages)
- A short statement about how your work responds to the theme.
- A brief summary of your past work and writing experience.
Visit their website for further information on the prize and to apply.
Deadline: 1 April 2025
Source: BBC Writers