Wolab First Commissions – submissions now open

First Commissions is a new project in association with Plaines Plough to commission three new writers.

Applications are now open via this link.

Each writer will:
-Receive a £1,500 commission to cover 3 weeks of writing and development work, spread between October – December 2020
-Be paired with a leading Dramaturg to work with on their new play
-Given an established writer as an industry mentor
-Access to various professional development focused workshops
-Work closely with WoLab and Paines Plough to develop themselves as artists

There is no expectation that you will write a play after the 3 weeks, but we hope that the money will allow the time and freedom to start something new.

In order to be eligible, you must not have been commissioned by any building or organisation to write a full-length play for stage (we define full-length by a running time of fifty minutes or more). Please note we will be cross-checking all long-listed applicants.

How to apply: please complete the application form. We ask you to also submit a 5-page sample of writing for stage, to accompany your application. As this commission is for a new idea, you should not have begun writing or working on this play – apart from the thinking that has gone into this submission. Therefore, your sample script must be different to your idea. When considering your new play, it must be an original idea, and not an adaptation/translation.

Criteria for script sample:
– 5 pages long, any less will not be considered.
– Please include your name somewhere in the file name of the sample you submit.
– Do not include your name anywhere on the actual document, as it will be read anonymously.
– The sample script must be different from the idea you submit, as this commission is for a new
piece of work.
– Must be intended for stage and not for film, television or radio.
– Do not include any other attachments or materials (photographs, CVs etc.)

Applications will close on 30th September after which our Associate Readers will collaboratively create a longlist. WoLab’s core team will then decide upon a shortlist. You will be notified whether you have made the shortlist by 19th October, and we will meet with these Writers in that same week, to discuss their idea furthers.

This opportunity is for UK-based writers over the age of 18. Any questions, send an email to submissions@wolab.co.uk

This project is funded by Arts Council.

Deadline: 30 September 2020 

Source: Playwriting UK

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