The 18th Windsor Fringe Kenneth Branagh Award for New Drama Writing 2021 open for entries

Amateur playwrights world-wide are invited to submit unpublished one-act plays. Three winning
scripts will be selected for fully staged performances during the Fringe Festival in October. This
year, due to Covid, we filmed them on-line. One of the three scripts will be chosen for the
£500 prize, judged purely on the writing. Submission deadline is March 5 th 2021*. The entry fee is £10.

Only amateur playwrights* are eligible and only one script per author accepted. Each script must
be an original work and not previously published or performed.

Each play is to be between 25 – 35 minutes in length* (although one or two minutes either side is
acceptable), to have a cast of no more than six actors, and be suitable for staging in a studio theatre.
Plays outside these limits will not be eligible, so please check before submitting.

Submission guidelines
So that each script may be judged anonymously, ONLY the cover page must show the title,
author’s name and contact details and this page is removed before the script is given to the readers.
The rest of the document should just contain the play’s title and script. Equally, the electronic
submission should be in two separate files – the cover sheet plus the main script*. Please also
ensure that a full cast list is included with the play.

Two hard copies are to be submitted to the address below, printed on one side only on A4 or US
letter paper* with no binding or stapling. Pages must be numbered + one digital copy e-mailed to
dramaproductionteam by the deadline date and an automatic email reply will be
sent confirming receipt. No (hard copy) scripts will be returned.
. The paper scripts should be sent to:

Windsor Fringe Kenneth Branagh Drama Writing Award
Suite 640, 24-28 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, Berks. SL4 3BB U.K.

The entry fee is £10. Cheques are payable to Windsor Fringe Festival. Payment can also be made by Paypal. Click on the
link and scroll down the page to find the Paypal box.

Items above marked with an * and other frequently asked questions are covered in detail in a
separate PDF document … please ensure these are reviewed … follow link …

Selection process
Scripts are evaluated by readers and the final short list by our two judges. The three finalists will be
notified by mid-June 2021 Results will be announced via the Windsor Fringe website, social media
and sites advertised on. The winner of the £500 award (judged mid-June and held in a sealed
envelope) will be announced at the Awards Ceremony after the final performance.

Any queries, telephone 07771 757678 or email … please note
that any e-mails should include the word ‘branagh’ to isolate them from the enormous amount of
SPAM mail received at this address. Otherwise they may not be logged/recorded.

Entry Fee:

Deadline: 5 March 2021

Source: direct contact

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