Farnham Maltings-award of up to £10,000 to create a new piece of theatre for libraries

Farnham Maltings and NRTF are inviting proposals from those who want to create theatre for libraries. They are looking for ideas that are enticing and relevant and that might not look like theatre; it might be based in variety, comedy, or escape rooms. The work should be able to happen within the library space and alongside other library services. It should feel disruptive without disrupting. It might incorporate digital or live performance or both. It might be for one person at a time or for many. It should feel most at home experienced within the library space and usual opening hours.

The work should appeal to the diverse range of library users and be enjoyed by anyone aged 7+ It might be a new idea, already in development or an existing piece that needs time and funds to adapt it fully to a library setting.

The work will be developed in partnership with a library in Buckinghamshire and Surrey from Summer 2021 and be presented for audiences in those spaces in Autumn 2021. They hope there will be potential for this work to further tour to other libraries in both counties in Spring/Summer 2022.

Find out more here.

Deadline:  26 May 2021 at 9am

Source: Write A Play

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