Carabosse in Milton Keynes is currently accepting submissions for its next Pub Theatre nights to be performed in May 2015.
What to submit: Pieces for the Pub Theatre night can only be 5 minutes up to 20 minutes in length – however they can be pieces in their own right, ‘works in progress’ or scenes from a longer play.
In their words: “We encourage plays with compelling stories that will demand an audience’s attention. We want to discover plays that engage and entertain.”
How to apply: They will accept scripts from 20th October until midnight on the 31st December 2014. During this period, please email your scripts to – please include a separate A4 cover sheet with a mini biog and synopsis of your piece.
Please note, they are unable to receive or read unsolicited scripts that are:
- sent to us by post
- without a cover sheet
- incorrect length for particular submission window
- previously produced
- from writers from outside of the UK and Ireland
- from writers with agents
- sent outside the submission window
- that have been previously submitted to them
They are also unable to read more than one script from a writer in the same submission window.
Carabosse Writers’ Night: For each production, they host a Writers’ Night following a selected performance. You can see the show and join us for a Q and A afterwards led by the Dramaturg and Director featuring the writer, cast and production team. If you have any questions, or would like to submit a short play, please email:
Deadline: 31 December 2014
Source: Playwriting UK Facebook Group