Sitcom Trials seeking 10 minute scripts with ‘Halloween’ theme

A brand new Halloween Sitcom Trials, will take place in Manchester on October 25th 2015 at the Kings Arms, Salford and they are looking for scripts.

They want sitcom scripts that they can perform in the tried and tested Trials format (a 10 minute sitcom ending in a cliffhanger with a 3 minute payoff scene, to be performed by no more than 4 actors). This time, though you can write your sitcom on any subject, they are particularly looking for scripts with a Halloween or horror theme.

If you want to enter a sitcom, go to the Sitcom Trials Facebook group (not to be confused with the Facebook page) where you will see the Files with further information.

How to apply: Upload your script to there (as a PDF or .doc) and it will then be subjected to an online script reading, open to all. You will be invited to join in with this script reading and you will be asked to vote on the scripts in contention.

The deadline for script entries is midnight Saturday October 10th, after which there will be a week to vote on them and choose the scripts to be performed by Sean and the Manchester Trials team on Sunday 25th. (The show will also include at least one sitcom devised by Sean and the team).

Think spooky, think tricky, think treaty, and they look forward to reading your script entries.

Find out more about The Sitcom Trials on their website

Deadline: 10 October 2015

Source: BBC Writersroom

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