Podium.me the online platform for the under 25s, is branching out from journalism to launch a drama initiative.
They are piloting Podium.me writers’ groups to uncover the art of online drama. We are also working with BBC Radio 4 drama towards a potential commission. Here is your chance to have your writing performed and broadcast on Podium.me.
You are invited to attend free workshops to develop your work, learn new skills in writing for audio drama, and experiment with sound to tell your story.
The first series of workshops will include an introduction to writing for audio drama and we’ll be exploring how to tell gripping stories and create unique character voices through the art of writing dramatic monologues.
The workshops do not require previous writing experience only a commitment to attend and complete the workshops.
Once you have completed your first writers’ workshop series you will be added to the mailing list and kept up to date with our future briefs & writing opportunities. These will include the opportunity to submit radio plays for potential broadcast on Podium.me
Their long-term aim is to produce high quality audio dramas, develop our signature style, and provide a platform for young writers to showcase their work.
Podium.me has already won awards for its unique peer to peer journalism and production values, and they hope to win more for original drama in the future.
The 2016 monologue series will run for 4 weeks on Thursday evenings from 7pm-9pm from the 25th Feb – 17th March. Location: The Royal Festival Halls.
If you would like to attend these workshops, or be informed of any future workshops please contact: cordelia.galloway@podium.me
Deadline: none posted (but workshops start on 25th Feb 2016)
Source: direct contact