Bafta Rocliffe is offering a showcase for TV drama as the top prize in its new writing competition for 2017.
Three writers will receive the showcase at Bafta’s London HQ with professional actors and directors, industry introductions, access to bespoke masterclasses, an in depth script report on your complete screenplay, a featured spot on Bafta’s New Writing Forum List and a tailored career planning and profile building session to provide support in navigating the industry.
Runners-up win a spot on the Forum List which is circulated to the industry and two tickets to the live showcase.
What to submit: A ten page extract, a one page treatment, character breakdowns and episode guides.
How to enter: Fill in the online application form here and attach your work. There is a £45 entry fee which includes a feedback report. Struggling to pay the fee? Bursaries are available.
Deadline: 8 February 2017, 10am
Bafta is also running new writing competitions in 2017 for comedy, writing for children and film. LPB will post the details as the deadlines come up.
Source: Bafta Rocliffe