A Greedy Ear is looking for playwrights to provide an expression of interest and a brief modus operandi or outline of an approach toward writing for the medium of New Audio Theatre, for an inaugural event in London in the Spring of 2021.
What to send: please provide 250 words which outline your approach to writing an Audio Theatre play with no more than six human characters and including a specific role for the location of the play and a specific role for the audience who will experience it.
How it works; from this Open Call they will select 10 playwrights with whom to enter into a conversation regarding their ideas and the medium itself. Further to this they will ask each of the 10 to write an extended treatment for their piece. From the 10 they will then choose 5 playwrights to each write a 20 minute script which they will then produce for the inaugural event. The 5 chosen will be paid for their script according to The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain guidelines.
See website for further details.
Deadline: 31 May 2019
Source: direct contact
Has anyone actually found the email to send submissions to? Is it just me that has wasted an entire night looking for contact info for this company?
Hi Aine, sorry about this – when we posted the opportunity, we didn’t realise the email link on their website didn’t work. The deadline has now been extended to the 30th June and I will email the organiser now to find out their contact details.
Best wishes,