A.R.T have a course about DEATH on Udemy.com. It can be found here. They are currently looking to update it and would like to include ONE MINUTE PLAYS that relate to the topics in the course.
Note: it is possible to watch some of the course free as some of the lectures are available without enrolling.
How to apply: if you are interested please submit your ONE MINUTE PLAY to art.theatre.uk@gmail.com
Everyone who enters will automatically be given a free access pass to the course as it now stands.
If your play is selected then you will be given a free pass to the revamped course. Naturally your play authorship will be credited.
Your play would either be acted out or included as a rehearsed reading.
There will be no payment, though (and there is no entry fee).
Deadline: 30 November 2018
Source: direct contact