Bomb Factory Art Foundation ‘From Prompt to Performance’ – Free Workshop

Bomb Factory Art Foundation invites you to an exciting workshop, ‘From Prompt to Performance’, a workshop in response to upcoming exhibition, You Are The Sole Actor In Your Life. Led by artists Yulia Zinchstein and Emma Westenberg, this workshop promises to be a must-attend for all artists interested in cross-disciplinary performance work.

In this hands-on session, participants will use a series of poetic, visual, and artistic prompts to come up with an initial idea for a performance piece. Following this, you’ll have the opportunity to workshop your concepts with fellow participants. Through group discussions, you’ll delve into the practical aspects of realising these ideas, exchanging feedback and exploring ways in which you can bring your idea to life.

The session will end with a Q&A, allowing you to gain invaluable insights from Yulia and Emma’s extensive experience in creating work and navigating the art world.

With only 15 tickets available, this intimate workshop promises to be a brilliant opportunity for artists of any level who want to develop their creative skills, explore new ideas, and engage with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment that fosters artistic expression.

Participants can sign up here.

Date: 19th June 2024

Source: direct contact

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