Every Christmas, Nottingham Playhouse produces a family show aimed at children aged 3-8 in the Neville Studio. The production then tours to primary schools, libraries and other community settings in the region.
We are very proud that this production provides a vital experience for younger children, many visiting a theatre for the first time. It is a core part of our Christmas programme and has been building a reputation year on year.
For the 2024/25 production we are producing The Ugly Duckling and we’re looking for a professional Writer and Composer to commission.
You may be:
- A playwright
- A composer
- Part of a writer and composer duo
- A writer and a composer
We welcome applications from all of the above. You can apply individually or as part of a duo. Please make this clear in your application.
The contract offered will be the ITC Theatre Writers’ Commissioning Agreement, minimum fee of £6,293 for a play of under 70 minutes, split between the writer and composer as appropriate. Reasonable expenses will be payable if applicable. Further details can be found in the Information Sheet on our website.
The Director will also be recruited via an open callout.
Nottingham Playhouse is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and working with people representative of the diverse communities we work with. We actively encourage submissions from the Global Ethnic Majority and Disabled people. Nottingham Playhouse is part of the Parents in Performing Arts (PIPA) campaign and welcomes submissions from people who have caring responsibilities.
Find out more here.
Deadline: 5 February 2024
Source: Arts Jobs