The Climate Short Animation Film Competition, presented by Climate Spring, TK-FX and Lowkey Films, in partnership with BBC Writers and in collaboration with BFI NETWORK, presents a unique opportunity to direct the screen industry’s creativity towards climate action, by encouraging filmmakers and creatives to envision and articulate a world where sustainability and regeneration are the norm.
This joint initiative will award the winning project with a total production budget of £30k and further in-kind production and climate advisory support.
This Climate Short Animation Film Competition is for writer/directors or teams of writers and directors, and is open to all creators over 18 not in full time education, who are resident or able to work in the UK, and who have previous experience creating live action or animated content.
Applicants will need to submit a draft script, synopsis, moodboard/artistic vision, professional CV and alongside a sample of completed work for each member of the team. This can be any filmed work, live action or animation.
Please submit your applications to
For further information and to see the creative and technical briefs, please visit the website
Applications will open on 15th January 2024 and close on 29th February 2024.
Deadline: 29 February 2024
Source: BBC writers