Freelance Writer in Residence Opportunity, Open Eye Gallery Liverpool (paid)

Open Eye Gallery and Culture Liverpool are looking to commission a socially engaged writer to work in the Garston Village area of Liverpool City Region.  

This commission takes seeks to do the following:

  • To foster a sense of community ownership and pride
  • Offer skills to community members
  • Produce high quality, free, creative workshops for the local community
  • Provide long-term, deep engagement based on and with the people of Garston
  • Produce quality creative outputs, which can be shared physically and digitally, based on  the visioning of the people of Garston and their relationship to Garston Village.

The selected writer will work with community members with the overall aim of understanding  their unique stories. In the spirit of socially engaged practice they will be led by members of the  local community, whilst maximising their own creativity and skills as writers / poets to co-create, with the community, stories of the area and its people. We welcome applications from writers who have a relationship to the area.  


  • Artist fee of £5800 (based on an estimated 29 half day sessions including a planning day  and evaluation days @ £200)
  • Materials / Kit for workshops and delivery – £1300 to be shared alongside the  photographer in residence where appropriate.
  • Artist travel – £300
  • There is an additional budget for participant access costs, marketing and exhibition  production, which will be discussed and finalised with the successful candidate.

Deadline: 9th January 2023 at 10am

Please visit their website for more informaiton and for a full job description.

Source: Arts Jobs

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