We often examine the work of ‘classic’ or ‘well known’ playwrights in courses and workshops. Dissecting the text helps us to interpret it and uncover techniques which can be used in our writing. But, how often do we really analyse our own writing?
In this 5 week course, you will bring in your own work to share with a small group and apply different exercises to. We’ll discuss, interpet and explore different aspects of the work: from dialogue to action to characters and more.
During the process, you’ll gain clarity on your own writing and a deeper understanding of how others view your work. You’ll explore how your creative decisions affect an audience/ reader and how you might use different techniques to convey your ideas.
Places on this course are limited so that everyone has a chance to explore their work.
Sessions take place on Tuesdays for 5 weeks from 4th June. Writers are invited to send samples of their work to the facilitator each week to allow for tailored sessions. This session is led by Kimberley Andrews, co-founder of London Playwrights.
Dates: Tuesdays from 4th June 10am -11.30am
Cost: £150 non-members/ £120 members (not a member yet? Sign up here for £3.63)
Book here.
Hallo, why are members being charged more than non-members? Is this a mistake?
Hi Nilgin,
Sorry, that was a typo! It should be the other way round and I have now amended this.