Mikron Theatre Co: New writers for 2025 season

We are interested to hear from writers who are keen to work with us for our 2025 season and beyond. Mikron has been commissioning new writing and supporting emerging artists for 51 years. Every year, we commission two new plays that tour nationally to over 130 venues

Job Description

As part of our commitment to achieve greater representation in our industry, we are particularly interested in submissions from artists who are disabled, from the global majority or who have working class backgrounds.

What are we looking for?

A writer who is
– happy to work collaboratively
– open to feedback
– able to write lyrics
– able to write to a specific brief
– committed to Mikron and who understands our work
– committed to attending Mikron performances in 2023 & 2024 in different venues, to help inform how you approach writing a play for Mikron

What to send?

An example of your work that includes two contrasting scenes and a song, (all from the same play). No more than 10 pages.

If you want to contextualise your excerpt with a note, feel free, but no more than a couple of lines – let the scenes do the talking.

When choosing what to submit, think about Mikron’s form, the places in which we perform and the subject matters that we tackle. Send something that will allow us to recognise your ability to write for us.

Find out more here. 

Deadline: 2 October 2023

Source: Arts Jobs

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