New Writing North & Film4 | Genre Feature Lab

New Writing North and Film4 have joined forces to find three of the most exciting Northern screenwriters to take part in a unique Genre Feature Lab. 

Genre Feature Lab is a film development programme for writers from the North of England, including a two-day residential lab. Writers will be matched with a regional producer and benefit from ongoing development with an experienced script editor to help take their early-stage idea for a feature film into a compelling treatment and deck ready to present and pitch to Film4.

The lab will be led by experienced creative producers Ivana Mackinnon and Emily Leo from Wild Swim Films. The lab will not only focus on the craft of screenwriting, but push writers to take creative risks ensuring their ideas reach full potential.

From rom-com to horror and everything in between they are looking for boundary pushing writers with a distinctive voice and point of view. As a writer or writer-director you should have a real appreciation and understanding of the genre you are writing for and know how to make work that subvert tropes, is smart, surprising and has the potential to reach a wide audience.

There will also be the opportunity to find out more on a writer drop-in session on zoom on Wednesday 12 June, 12pm – 1pm.

Find full details and apply on the New Writing North website

Deadline for writer applications: 1 July 2024, 11.59pm

Funded by North of Tyne Combined Authority, now administered by North East Combined Authority. 

Source: BBC Writers

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