Radar Sofia: Open call out for paid creative stay

Radar Sofia

and the Drama Pact platform

are offering a playwright/dramaturge/performer/theatremaker the opportunity to come and stay in Sofia, Bulgaria, meet local theatre operators and form the basis of future partnership(s) or joint new project(s).

What you get: the selected resident will receive a scholarship of 600 EUR, plus accommodation for a period оf between one and four weeks in a shared flat in central Sofia. The resident has to arrange his/her own travel to and from Sofia. A letter of invitation will be provided. Of course, the scholarship holder will also be able to partially or fully reimburse their travel expenses from the amount of the scholarship.

The residency has to take place in the period between Nov 25, 2019 and March 30, 2020.

Deadline: 15 October 2019

Source: Playwriting UK Facebook Group


The call is open to all nationalities but would probably be more functional for those coming from Europe.

English language communication skills are a prerequisite for the application.


2 thoughts on “Radar Sofia: Open call out for paid creative stay”

  1. Hi there,
    I am interested in this Radar Sofia: Open call out for paid creative stay opportunity! I have written a 20 minute play if you are interested in reading it.
    I look forward to hearing from you,

    1. Kimberley Andrews

      Hi Petrina,

      We simply repost these opportunities for your convenience so please contact the organisers directly with any queries.

      Best wishes,

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