The 2nd annual Risk Theatre Modern Tragedy Playwriting Competition, hosted by Langham Court Theatre in Victoria, Canada, is open to playwrights worldwide. Cash prizes of $9000 for the winner and four $525 prizes for the runners up. The winning play will be workshopped in Victoria, Canada and receive a staged reading. A travel stipend of up to $1020 is available. The entry fee is $49. All figures in Canadian dollars.
What writers should submit?
They are looking for full length tragedies where risk is the dramatic fulcrum of the action. The contest is based on Edwin Wong’s book which presents a new theory of tragedy: The Risk Theatre Model of Tragedy: Gambling, Drama, and the Unexpected [Friesen Press 2019]. The goal of the competition is to reinvent tragedy by aligning it with the modern fascination with chance and uncertainty.
How to apply?
Please submit blind scripts to the online entry page at:
Deadline: June 1st 2020.
Source: Direct Contact