The Institute of Other seeking creative practitioners

Call out for Actors, Writers, Directors, Theatre Practitioners and ‘Other’ – The Institute of Other

The Institute of Other.…brings together like-minded, motivated people to discuss what they do, what they dream of doing, and what has yet to be dreamed, with the aim of generating new ideas, experiments, other.

The Institute of Other brings together specialists of different fields such as artists, scientists, philosophers, linguists, engineers, facilitators, entrepreneurs etc to showcase projects/works in progress with the aim of collaboration. The starting point for these collaborations will be monthly, informal salons. The projects will then be facilitated via exhibitions, sessions, research projects and publications with a lot of talks, labs, workshops and regular courses to compliment the season of events.

The website and project will be officially launching in the Spring, but you can stay up to date via the links below. We are currently compiling our season of events in the beta testing phase so you will see it burst into life within the next month or so through our teaser campaign, ahead of our official launch.

What they are looking for:  They are putting together our Spring 2016 season for talks, demos, workshops and projects so if you are an actor, writer, director, theatre practitioner, photographer, filmmaker, dancer, choreographer,musician, maker, workshop facilitator, a speaker, inventor, writer, artist or ‘other’ and would like to get involved by showcasing your work, getting feedback for a project, looking for a collaborator or ‘other’ please email a brief description of what you do, what you would like to demonstrate, the facilities you require and any other relevant information to

If you are just interested in attending events send an email and they will keep you posted.

Deadline:  none posted

Source: Arts Jobs

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