Winter Lights Youth Theatre Writer

Travelling Light is looking for an emerging writer to work with our youth theatre and team of facilitators to create a story structure/script for the youth theatre performance at Winter Lights.

Job Description

About the project:

Over the next 8 months we will be collaborating with children, young people, and our community to create Winter Lights – a project that will culminate in a special community event in January 2025.

The theme of this project is ‘moments of joy’ – where we find these in our lives, in our communities and environment.

Stories will be central to the project – what stories we tell, who tells them, where we tell them and how.

We will be working with artists, children and young people and families to explore stories in a variety of ways – creating and shaping the work with children’s voices at its heart. These may be about life in Barton Hill and Bristol – real or imagined, set in the future, now or the past.

About the role:

This is an exciting opportunity for an emerging writer to develop skills and experience in working with children and young people to create a short script/story structure for performance, which our youth theatre participants will then develop with our team of facilitators and assistants.

We are looking for a writer to work with our youth theatre and team of facilitators to create a story structure/script for the youth theatre performance at Winter Lights. The performance will be approximately 30 – 35 minutes in length.

As a writer you will receive mentoring from Mike Akers who is an experienced writer, dramaturg, and facilitator.

Fee = £1750

Find out more and apply here.

Deadline: 18 June 2024

Source: Arts Jobs

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