Theatre in the Rough is looking for 10 writers to create a series of starlit monologues

KYGLOW combines astronomy, ecology, and the arts to explore the impact of the light… from the stars to the soil.

The stars are vanishing before our eyes. A child born beneath 250 stars today will only see 100 of them by their 18th birthday.

The source of this vanishing is SKYGLOW – the pervasive glow of light caused by human-made pollution.

SKYGLOW also has significant ecological impacts. In disrupting the transition from sunlight to starlight, species behaviour, physiology, and ecosystems are altered.

Theatre in the Rough is looking for 10 writers to create a series of starlit monologues on this topic for performance.

As part of the project, they’ll be offering participants exclusive free arts, astronomy, and ecology workshops with experts from:

• University of Central Lancashire
• Plymouth Marine Laboratory
• Theatre in the Rough

You’ll then see your play performed beneath the stars at Sudley Walled Garden in Liverpool, and published in a brand new anthology.

You can apply via their website at:

• Be aged 25 or under
• Have an address in the Liverpool City Region

DEADLINE: 11.59PM, 7 June 2024


The project is made possible thanks to funding awarded by Postcode Neighbourhood Trust and raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery; The PH Holt Foundation; The Granada Foundation; The Sylvia Waddilove Foundation; and The Unity Theatre Trust.

Deadline: 7 June 2024
Source: direct contact

1 thought on “Theatre in the Rough is looking for 10 writers to create a series of starlit monologues”

  1. Simon James MacDonald

    I’m not eligible for this – neither geographically or age-wise – and it looks like an amazing project, but given the backing/funding/quality of the spec/literature around it, how can it possibly be unpaid? Who would want to commit to a project that involves a lot of interaction with the organisers for no pay? Writers: please think carefully about applying for this and other such opportunities that offer very little/nothing for your endeavour.

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