Harpy Productions is collaborating with Danse Macabre (a leading theatre company in the London horror festival) to create “The Fright Before Christmas”. Keeping up the Victorian tradition of ghost stories at Christmas, they’re going to be hosting a scary story competition this December, where contestants will perform 10-minute horror stories to a panel of industry professionals and a live audience.
The event will take place on the 11th of December in the Space Theatre (a restored victorian church) and is hosted by renowned drag performer, Lady Aria Grey. the judges include Chris Nials (head of the London Horror Society), Sampira Al Fahiri (Playwright & producer) and Mike Muncer (Evolution of Horror Podcast).
Prizes for the winners will be announced closer to the date.
more information about the event, the judges and the registration can be found at this link: https://www. harpyproductions.com/ thefrightbeforechristmas
Deadline: 25 October at the stroke of midnight!
Source: direct contact