Eurodram is currently seeking English translations of contemporary European plays
Eurodram is a European theatre translation network covering European, Mediterranean and Central Asian languages. The network is organised into roughly 30 language-based committees. Eurodram’s main objective is promote contemporary plays from across the wider European area to theatre professionals and theatre audiences. The plays they promote are selected through two biennial competitions.
For the 2018 competition, the English language committee will select three English translations of contemporary plays originally written in a language other than English. In addition to this, all plays submitted will be considered for inclusion in a British Academy funded mini-festival of Contemporary European Drama in London in Spring 2019.
What to submit: translations of contemporary European stage plays originally written in languages from the wider European area (Europe, Central Asia and the Mediterranean Area) may be submitted for consideration. Plays can be submitted by playwrights, translators, agents, publishers etc.
How to apply: For further details and to submit a script visit the website.
Deadline: 31 July 2018 at 5pm
Source: direct contact