Pint-Sized are currently taking submissions for short plays and extracts for a week-long festival at Bunker Theatre in October. .
What you get: a £150.00 fee, the opportunity to be mentored by the likes of Simon Stephens, Timberlake Wertenbaker and Lolita Chakrabarti, and a showcase for your work in front of major venues.
“Whoever you are, and whatever your level of experience, the door’s open and we‘re looking forward to reading your work. We‘re committed to creating a more level playing-field, and a more representative new-writing scene; that means supporting writers and communities whose opportunities elsewhere might be limited, or whose voices might not be being heard. That doesn’t meant we guarantee to stage anyone’s writing but we‘ll do our best to offer you feedback and development advice, or find the best possible way of supporting your work”.
Deadline: 27 June 2019
Source: direct contact
Hi, I have a brain injury which means my memory is rubbish. Can you tell me if I’ve sent in work for your latest call out. Thanks Helen
Hi Helen,
We just repost these opportunities so please contact the organisers directly with any queries as they may not see this comment.
Thanks and good luck