Callout for one-act plays to be produced at Ed. Fringe (paid)

Open call for one-act plays of roughly 50 minutes in length, with a maximum cast size of four. The successful playwright will receive £100 and the script will be produced at the Edinburgh Fringe 2023 for a week-long run at Greenside Venues.
About the project:
“Ben Newman and Ben Fleming are two professional directors based in London. Both hailing from the North-West, the two Bens met whilst training at Mountview on the MA Theatre Directing Course. Previously, the two have made work with their own theatre companies, Belly Up Theatre (Newman) and Three Pound Coin (Fleming) – this will be their first collaboration as a directing pair. They are looking for bold and thrilling new writing to bring to the Edinburgh Fringe with a potential for further runs. A week-long slot has already been secured at Greenside Venues. The two Bens have a shared taste for the dark, weird and surreal side of theatre – so plays of this nature are likely to do well!”


The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2023 and scripts can be sent in through the following link:
Please send any and all queries to
Deadline: 31 January 2023
Source: direct contact


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