University of Chester & Storyhouse – The Cheshire Prize for Literature

The 2020 Cheshire Prize for Literature is a celebration of all the creativity that has flowered and continues to flourish during the pandemic.

This year the Prize is opening up its digital doors, in collaboration with Storyhouse, to accept digital submissions from all four categories of the past four years: poetry, short fiction, children’s literature and scriptwriting. The judges will choose one winner from each category. They will be looking particularly for original and inspiring responses to all aspects of the pandemic including “lockdown” and what has become for us all the “new normal”.

Rules and Conditions

  • The 2020 Prize for Literature will be awarded for an original and previously unpublished piece of creative work in one of four categories themed around all aspects of the pandemic including “lockdown” and what has become for us all the “new normal”.
  1. A short story up to 1500 words.
  2. A poem up to 100 lines.
  3. A piece of work aimed at children aged 7 to 14 either a short story up to 1500 words or a poem up to 100 lines.
  4. A playscript suitable for radio, theatre or television, no more than 15 minutes in length.
  • The writer must have been born, live or have lived, study or have studied, work or have worked, in Cheshire. For the purposes of the Prize, Cheshire is deemed to include the Wirral, as well as Warrington and Halton. Documentary evidence of eligibility may be required.
  • Entrants can be any age, but those under 18 years of age on the 31st January 2021, will require written consent from a parent or guardian when submitting.
  • Entries can be submitted by an individual or be a joint submission but if entering a joint submission all participants must be eligible to enter.
  • Entries must be received by 31st January 2021. Email entries should be sent to, each entry must be attached as a separate Word document with a separate Word document containing a covering letter to include name, address, email address, title of entry(s) and category(s) they are entering. Joint submissions need to include contact details of all entrants. Entrants from outside the county must state the reason for their eligibility. Please note this year they are unable to accept postal entries and all entries must be submitted electronically.

There is no charge for entering the competition. Entrants may submit one entry in a maximum of two categories and must state clearly which category(s) they are entering.

Entries will be judged anonymously, by a panel chaired by Simon Poole, Faculty of Education, and Senior Lead in Cultural Education and Research at Storyhouse. The decision of the judging panel will be final. No correspondence can be entered into concerning individual entries.

By entering this competition the writer consents to their work being published.

Further terms and conditions and full information can be found on the Cheshire Prize for Literature website

A £500 prize will be awarded to one winner from each of the four categories.

The University reserves the right not to award a prize in any category if there are not enough entrants for that category. (A minimum of 5 entrants)

Deadline: 31 January 2021

Source: BBC Writersroom

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