New Works of Merit 2016 Playwriting Contest ($25 entry fee)

The New Works of Merit Playwriting Contest is an international  playwriting contest developed in 2003 to bring works of social significance to the general public, works that might not otherwise have the opportunity to be presented.  They aim to present  “powerful, heart-felt new works that not only entertain, but also educate, enlighten, and uplift humanity.”

The contest receives mentorship and interns from Merit Theater and Film Group, Inc. (MTF), a Theater and Film organization that helps theatrical and film artists develop their craft and present their work through developmental activities, readings, and/or full productions.

What to submit: They accept scripts that meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Enhance self-realization
  2. Support peace and social justice
  3. Foster new understanding of minority issues that focus on racial, ethnic and gender discrimination both in the United States and abroad
  4. Empower youth to build healthy inner foundations
  5. Educate to gain further insight into healthy social/emotional living
  6. Shed new light on religious, spiritual, and cultural differences and issues
  7. Build respect for cultural expression and identity in a world that is experiencing rapid globalization
  8. Explore the widening gap between the values this country was founded on and the values we present to the world today

Eligibility:  Scripts from outside the United States are greatly welcomed.  Detailed information about script eligibility can be found here.

What you pay:  $25 entry fee.  If you would like feedback on your script, the entry fee is one script for $70 and two scripts for $120.(Payment link here.)

What you get:  The winner will receive $300 + a reading and Q&A in a professional theatre.

How to apply:  Full submission guidelines can be found here.

Submit PDF documents of the following, together, IN ONE EMAIL:  Script and application form (located here on their website) to  Payment can be made online.  (Note: an option for mail submission is also available, though electronic submissions are preferred.)

Deadline:  30 June 2016

Source: Direct contact

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