Aberdeen Performing Arts seeking scripts for scratch night

Aberdeen Performing Arts are seeking script for their next Scratch Night. The theme is Trick or Treat and they are looking for new scripts, new music and spoken word that delves into the realms of the unexplained, the unknown and the most haunted.

They welcome scripts from Scotland, the UK and internationally. Scripts are chosen primarily based on quality and relevance to the theme but priority is given to writers from the North-East of Scotland, in line with APA’s aim to support local artists. If you are a local artist please highlight this in your email application.

Scripts must only have 1-3 characters, and be no longer than 10 minutes. The scratch night will be held on 24 October 2017 at The Lemon Tree, Aberdeen.

How to apply:  To submit a script contact Kirsty.bailey@aberdeenperformingarts.com.

Deadline: 2 October 2017 at 5pm

Source: BBC Writersroom

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