Alleyway Theatre, based in Buffalo, New York, has announced its annual international Maxim Mazumdar competition in memory of the Canadian playwright and actor.
The competition is open to anyone of any age or citizenship.
Alleyway Theatre seeks:
A full-Length: Play or musical not less than 90 minutes in length, any style, no more than 10 performers. Collections of one-acts are not eligible.
A one-Act: Play not more than 20 minutes in length, any style, no more than 6 performers.
What you get:
- In addition to modest cash prizes in each category, the winning full-length will receive its premiere production at Alleyway Theatre in the following theatre season and the winning one-act will receive its premiere in the annual Buffalo Quickies Festival.
What to submit/How to apply:
- Authors are limited to one submission per category per year
- Although an entry may be of any style, preference will be given to scripts which are uniquely theatrical
- Entries must not be previously produced (staged readings excepted) and must be withheld from production during the period of the competition
- Entry fee of $25.00/US per playwright covers entry in one or both categories, money order or check made out to Alleyway Theatre, Inc. There is no entry form.
- Musicals must be accompanied by audio tape or CD of the complete score.
- Scripts must include character breakdowns, including doubling suggestions.
- Entry materials will not be returned
- See details here
- Write to the literary manager, Alleyway Theatre, 1 Curtain Up Alley, Buffalo, NY 14202, or email
Deadline: 1 July 2017
Source: direct contact