BAC is now accepting proposals for Freshly Scratched. This an opportunity for artists and companies who have never worked professionally at Battersea Arts Centre before to try out new theatrical ideas in front of an audience and to get feedback from them.
How it works: Freshly Scratched is an opportunity to try out short theatrical ideas in front of an audience at a very early stage of their development. It is not about presenting polished segments of pre-existing work. Each idea can last no longer than 10 minutes. Usually five or six pieces will be programmed alongside each other, creating an evening of rough and ready flashes of inspiration.
At the core of Battersea Arts Centre’s Freshly Scratched, unlike other showcase-based events, is a genuine interest in exploring an idea in front of an audience, taking risks with the material presented and using audience feedback in order to help think through the next steps in developing the work. For the right work at the right time, they are a unique opportunity.
BAC will select 20-24 proposals, which will be performed across 4 evenings. Each proposal should describe the seed of an idea that the artist(s) wish to Scratch in front of a supportive, enthusiastic and critical audience. The next Freshly Scratched performances will take place from 4 – 8 February 2014.
What to submit/How to apply: Applications can be made via the online form on their website. Full details can be found in the downloadable application pack available on the same page. Applicants are requested to submit the following information:
- Summary of idea in under 50 words
- 300 word statement including: artistic team and previous work, what the idea is, how this slot will help develop the idea, two questions you want to answer
- Up to 2 weblinks (videos must be one minute or less in length)
- Availability for performance dates
- Any special technical requirements
Deadline: 8 January 2014 at 12pm
Twitter: #BACScratch
Source: Arts Council e-newsletter