Batty Mama is a down and dirty, open and enticing dystopic space for queer and trans bodies from all constellations, reclaiming booties of colour curated by Hakeem Kazeem and Ama Josephine Budge.
FYI: Batty Mama is a Black-centric post-apocalyptic space that programs Black and Brown artists and accepts submissions from people of colour (feel free to email us if you have any questions about this).
**All submissions: Please attach links to website/past work and/or a short biog
Email: with submissions
For our Halloween special we’re calling writers and artists to send us short submissions in response to our theme – Strip It Black: imagine Black Panther and Sin City had a love child in post-apocalyptic London… We’re accepting short stories, comic strips, erotica, interviews (with the inhabitants of post-apocalyptic London perhaps), etc. We could post pod-casts on our page and possibly broadcast them on the night – as experimental as you want to get with form and content – we’re down!
Deadline: none posted
Source: Arts Jobs
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