BBC Comedy Script Partnership Project: Northern Ireland

The BBC Comedy Script Partnership Project is a focussed development model to help accelerate scripted comedy collaborations in targeted parts of the UK. The aim is to encourage indies based outside of London to strengthen their pitches by collaborating with an experienced comedy producer from the outset. Ensuring these partnerships are in place early in the process means we can activate funded developments more quickly.

The BBC Comedy Script Partnership Project are inviting Northern Ireland indies to partner with an experienced company, executive producer or script executive with a significant track record in delivering returnable scripted comedy to broadcast standard.

The BBC Comedy Script Partnership Project are committing to fund script developments from a minimum of three of these partnerships. At least one of these will then be given enhanced levels of funding, with the aim of piloting the script.

The budgets for each project will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

What do I need to be able to apply?

  • Your company will have a base in Northern Ireland.
  • You will have identified a development partner – either a co-producing company or an individual executive producer or script executive.
  • This partner must have a significant track record in developing scripted comedy. The partner does not have to be based in Northern Ireland.
  • Your company must be able to demonstrate a commitment or ambition to developing scripted comedy.

How do I apply?

The project will open for submissions from Monday 19th June – Friday 1st September 2023

You will need to submit:

  • a company profile or biography
  • information about who you will be partnering with on the script development, and why.

Please send submissions to with ‘Script Partnership NI’ in the subject header.

Visit the website for further information

Deadline: Friday 1st September 2023

Source: BBC Writersroom

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