BBC Writersroom open for submissions 18 November – 16 December

The Script Room window for submitting scripts will be open from November 18th 2013 until 5pm on December 16th 2013.

The Script Room is a place where you can send your script to be assessed by a team of experienced readers.  This is not a free script-reading service, but a means by which the BBC seeks out the best new writing talent, offering writers without a track record, representation, or contacts the opportunity to have their work considered by the BBC.  Shortlisted writers will go forward to access a range of development opportunities with BBC writersroom.

What to submit:  The BBC has very detailed guidelines about what they do and do not submit, so be sure to read their Terms and Conditions to make sure your script qualifies before sending it in.  Your script must be a minimum of 30 minutes in length, and must be written for film, television, stage, or radio.  (While the BBC does not produce stageplays, the Script Room will accept stageplays as a ‘calling card of a writer’s talent, ability, and voice.’

They are quite particular about making sure your script is formatted correctly – see their medium and format guidelines and formatting examples.

How to apply:  Submissions are now made via their new electronic submissions system.  Follow this link to submit your script.

More details about their new e-submissions system can be found in these FAQ.

Deadline:  16 December 2013 at 5pm

Source:  BBC Writersroom

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