The Bread & Roses Theatre offers one Emerging Theatre Company a one-week-run as part of their Summer Season 2017.
This includes two technical rehearsal days and five performance nights free of charge, for which the company will also receive 90% of the box office takings.
Technical rehearsal days will be Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th August 2017, 12pm-7pm. Performance nights will be Tuesday 15th to Saturday 19th August 2017.
The runner-up slot awarded will be performances on Sunday 20th and Monday 21st August with the technical rehearsal from 12pm on the first day.
What you get: The award includes:
- Full use of the theatre and the companies may set-up the venue and technical equipment according to their needs.
- Online, Phone, Smartphone App and On-the-door Box Office Service
- Listings on the theatre’s website (, smartphone app and on
- Inclusion in the theatre’s season brochure (if details are submitted in time), distributed to around 800 households in the neighbourhood as well as local businesses and theatre related places around London
- Inclusion in theatre’s season press release (if details are submitted in time), sent to local press, radio and television as well as national press
- Promotion via the theatre’s social media and mailing list and access to the theatre’s press list and marketing advice (see marketing pack for all details)
How to apply: Applications can be made via the award’s Hiive posting. (Note: You must have a Hiive profile to be eligible.) You will need to answer a series of questions about your company and project.
Deadline: 8 June 2017
Source: Hiive