Call: Love Sharing Festival – VII edition

Call: Love Sharing Festival – VII edition

Vital balances: limits, boundaries, thresholds

Love Sharing – Nonviolent Theatre and Culture Festival is getting ready for its seventh edition, scheduled for autumn 2022, and opens its doors to contemporary theatre companies and associations of any kind, visual artists (painting, sculpture, photography, drawing), researchers, musicians and dancers from all over the world.

The theme of the new edition of the event organized by Theandric Teatro Nonviolento company is Vital balances: limits, boundaries, thresholds.

We are finite creatures but infinity passes through us. We belong to it. We can only establish temporary, ephemeral and porous boundaries. We are not defined by limits, but by balances.

Precarious balances, which are always unstable and ever-shifting. From a diachronic perspective, what changes is our awareness of the extension of these limits: from Socrates’ “Know thyself” to Nietzsche’s Übermensch, from classical to quantum physics, from biology to ecology of mind, from Greek democracy to post-modern bureaucratic administrations.

Today more than ever, balance and awareness are undermined by the rapid process of transformation and redefinition of what is finite. Inside the human being, in the exploration of the resources of our body and our brain that are yet to be discovered. Externally, in their extension through technology. From the interaction of these two processes, countless vital balances and imbalances come to light, which can be appreciated in individuals, in a given moment and place, but also in society and all its aspects, and in communication and politics.

Poetry, art, science, communication, each one of us: what balances and imbalances do we experience? What is your compass to navigate between Universes and Multiverses and not get lost? What place do technology and creativity occupy in your life?

Are you an artist? A researcher? A volunteer? Are you a member of a group or association?

How to apply: Send your application by filling out the online form here:

Deadline: not specified 

Source: direct contact


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