Walthamstow Actors Company are putting on a festival of short plays with a Walthamstow/
Waltham Forest focus at a local venue next year and they looking for five fifteen minute plays
with no more than 4 actors per play. If you have any connection to Waltham Forest (maybe you
live or work there, have family there, have lived there in the past) then they would like to hear
from you! Plays must be set in Waltham Forest, at least for the majority of the action and all
writers must have a connection with the borough. The plays can be for one, two, three or four
actors and should be about fifteen minutes long. Maybe some will be based on Walthamstow’s
history, some on contemporary issues here, who knows! Comedy, tragedy, anything welcome.
Just to let you know, they already have plays on World War II in Walthamstow and the
Walthamstow movie industry.
How to apply:
Please email walthamstowactorscompany@gmail.com with any comments, questions or plays.
Kathy Trevelyan
Artistic Director
Walthamstow Actors Company
Artistic Director
Walthamstow Actors Company
Deadline: Sunday, November 23rd
*They are currently fundraising, as they do not believe in asking people to work for free*
Source: Lanes List (David John Lane’s weekly e-newletter)