Chorlton Arts Festival offer commissions for Theatre Exterior: Stage/Play (£500 commission)

Theatre Exterior: Stage/Play is an exciting development from Charlton Arts Festival’s site-specific theatre project Theatre Exterior, delivered as part of the festival in 2015, which saw a range of site – specific commissions performed in unique locations – from local parks and charity shops to a Metrolink tram…

Theatre Exterior: Stage/Play will be presented as part of the 2016 festival and will feature two strands:

STAGE: a programme of commissioned theatre presented at The Lloyds (as detailed in the brief, link below)

PLAY: an exciting large-scale theatre performance which is already under-way and will be presented as part of the festival

What you get: They have up to £500 available to commission separate organisations/artists/collectives to create new theatre which will be premiered in The Lloyds function room as part of the festival. The aim of the commissioned theatre programme is to support organisations/artists/collectives in the creation and development of new work and engage the local community in the arts, especially non-theatre goers, by presenting the work free-of-charge as part of the festival programme.

How to apply:  A detailed brief and application form can be downloaded here: Theatre Exterior – Stage Commission – brief and application

Deadline:  Monday 29 February 2016 at 5pm

Source:  Arts Jobs

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