The Sussex Playwrights’ Club is pleased to announce a new playwriting competition to help celebrate its 80th anniversary in 2015.
What to submit: New plays in any genre (not musicals) are welcome, lasting from a minimum of 75 minutes to a maximum of 100 minutes – and containing the word (or number) ‘eighty’ somewhere in the text. (This does not have to form a major part of the plot – it can be a simple, passing reference.)
All entries should be written for the stage with a maximum of seven roles (including any off-stage voices), although other characters may be referred to in the dialogue. (Please note that single monologues will not be accepted.)
Plays must be written in English and should be the original work of the writer and not an adaptation. They should not have been staged before a paying audience, broadcast or published, nor previously given a reading at SPC.
What you pay: Each entry must be accompanied by a cheque for £7, made out to The Sussex Playwrights’ Club.
What you get: There will be three prizes of £280, £180 and £80 respectively, with a rehearsed ‘script-in-hand’ reading of the first-placed play as part of the Club’s 80th celebrations. (It is also possible that readings will be given at Club meetings of those scripts in second and third place.)
How to apply: Entries should be sent to:
The Constance Cox Playwriting Competition (SPC)
c/o Mr J Attwood
42 Abbey Road
West Sussex
BN15 0AB
(Scripts will not be returned, so the original hard copy should not be submitted.)
Deadline: 24 January 2015
Source: New Writing South