Content Created Plymouth : Short script submission is open for their Christmas schedule of plays

Writers are invited to submit short audio plays for the Christmas themed event.
A themed series of individual plays is to be written, recorded and broadcasted on Ocean City Radio.
The plays should be connected in some way, it can be tenuous, to Plymouth (this is Plymouth, Devon but with humour or mystery one of the other 30 named such places in the world could do it) in either its content or the writers personal links to the area.
Your play should run to close to 20 minutes in length.
It is an intention to have Christmas music added to it at a later stage of recording. (You are allowed to suggest any ‘traditional’ music and this will be considered).
In light of the current health crisis, it is planned that only two actors will be made available for each play.
Each actor can take on several roles within one play if so required.
The front cover sheet with the play should only contain the title, cast of characters and nothing else.
A final sheet should be attached with the play, listing your contact details, your or the plays connection to Plymouth, the plays genre if it has one (romance/thriller/war/sci-fi) and a brief synopsis if you wish.
Judging will be done anonymously and will be based on the first five and last five pages, initially.
The completed play should be submitted in a standard form such as a pdf to before closing on 8 August 2021.
A facebook page has been created and further details and questions, if any, should be posted there or to the submission email address.
Ocean City Radio are listened to by and audience primarily in the age-range 29-49.
Most plays will be broadcast in their daytime slots so language and content will need to reflect that.
Entrants will be notified of the list of those selected for recording prior to December and those pieces will be scheduled for the Christmas period, on Ocean City Radio.
Agreement is made that the successful writers will have their play recorded, played over the radio and receive access to their own copy of the performance.
All writers and performers are unpaid.
Deadline: 8 August 2021
Source: direct contact

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