- Deadline: 31/08/23 12pm BST
- Location: online and international
- Price: free to enter
- Material accepted: Art, photography, writing, poetry, trends writing and tutorials/DIY’s
- Description:
Calling all aspiring Digital Dreamers aged 10-25!
Submissions for edition I are now OPEN!
This is your opportunity to be published in a global magazine for FREE
To make this process smooth, we’ve got a few guidelines for you:
Originality is key! We’re on the lookout for fresh and innovative content that reflects your unique voice.
Embrace positivity and respect – let’s build an uplifting community together. We celebrate inclusivity, so whether it’s art, photography, poetry, trends, writing, DIYs, or anything else, we welcome submissions from all backgrounds.
Don’t hold back! We want to see your passion shine through, so go all out and impress us with your best!
Now’s your chance to leave your mark in the first-ever ‘Digital Dreamers Magazine’ edition. - Restrictions: aged 10-25
- Website: https://www.
digitaldreamersmagazine.com/ home - Contact details: digitaldreamersmagazi
ne@gmail.com to enter, please follow the ‘Submissions form’ link on our website - Short summary: Calling all aspiring artists, photographers, writers, poets and trendsetters aged 10-25!
Digital Dreamers Magazine is a teen-led and digital magazine, dedicated to reflecting, embracing and empowering youth voice. Submissions for edition I are now OPEN!
Now’s your chance to leave your mark in the first-ever ‘Digital Dreamers Magazine’ edition.
- Web link: https://www.
digitaldreamersmagazine.com/ home
Deadline: 31 August 2023
Source: direct contact