Fishamble: Duets. For Irish creatives

An artist support initiative for pairs of artists from the creators of Show in a Bag Building on ten years of successful partnership, Fishamble: The New Play Company, Irish Theatre Institute and Dublin Fringe Festival are joining forces again for DUETS, an artist development scheme that supports theatre makers in the creation of their own tourable productions. This initiative is aimed at professional theatre makers from any discipline working in pairs to tell an undeniable story through the unique combination of their skillsets. DUETS provides a supportive framework in which artists can lead and create their own tour-ready show.

The DUETS programme champions professional artists working in pairs to tell one-of-a-kind stories using the unique combination of their skills.The DUETS artists are supported by the combined expertise of all three partners: dramaturgy and development support from Fishamble, networking and producing know-how from ITI and the creative platform of Dublin Fringe Festival.

This year, they are looking for one pair of artists to combine their skills to create a piece of theatre that can be made and experienced remotely. That could mean digitally, through the airwaves, on the phone, in the post or anything else you can imagine!

DUETS is an artist support initiative that champions singular stories told using the unique combination of skills of the two artists involved. The three partner organisations will provide support as the artists create a piece of tour-ready new work. Selected projects will receive dramaturgical mentorship from Fishamble’s Gavin Kostick throughout the creation process. Dublin Fringe Festival will provide the supported platform for the work to premiere as part of Dublin Fringe Festival 2021. Irish Theatre Institute will offer producing mentoring and broker connections with programmers most suited to presenting the show. The selected project will also receive an idea development bursary of €5500.


  • They invite applications from pairs of artists who are compelled to create a unique performance that only they together could make. We are seeking joint applications from actors, designers, directors, playwrights – a creative duet of any configuration that is integral to the story they wish to tell.
  • At least one of the applicants must be a performer.
  • This year they particularly encourage international collaborations and/ or remote collaborations. We encourage collaborations between experienced and early career artists.
  • They are interested in new stories and new ideas – traditional adaptations of existing works are not eligible to apply.
  • The partners are committed to creating a diverse programme of work and they welcome applications from Ireland-based artists and Irish artists living abroad of all gender identities, nationalities, races, cultural backgrounds, ages, religions, languages, different abilities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses or geographic regions.
  • They welcome applications from projects in the Irish language.
  • Shows that must be delivered to audiences remotely i.e. not in a traditional venue/ shared physical space.

Deadline: 10am GMT on Monday 1st March.

Suitable applicants will be shortlisted and invited to discuss their proposal at a meeting soon afterwards

Source: Write A Play

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