Galton & Simpson Bursary for Comedy Writing (award £5,500)

BBC Comedy Commissioning is delighted to announce the Galton & Simpson Bursary for Comedy Writing

Aimed at writers and writing partnerships, the bursary will award £5,500 to develop a script for broadcast consideration under the guidance of established industry practitioners and BBC Comedy Commissioning.

The bursary will be open to all and will be for a writer or partnership of writers working on any theme. Applicants must submit a sample script of 30 pages/30 minutes MAXIMUM duration, supported by a series development plan and a short (one page) biog/statement.

BBC Comedy will shortlist four projects for further consideration. One final award winner will have their script developed for broadcast consideration, with advice and input from leading industry practitioners, and receive a bursary of £5,500.

Full details including terms & conditions, how to enter and what to submit

Deadline: Friday 5th June 2020

Source: BBC Writer’s Room

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