Heads Bodies Legs Theatre Company is looking for writers to attend a series of free online writing workshops to explore themes primarily around sexuality, LGBTQ+ identity and sex work themes. The writing workshops are part of the Molly’s Masquerade, a Heritage Lottery and Arts Council funded project, which celebrates the history of London’s 18th Century molly houses and mollies of all genders, and explores the relevance of this history to contemporary LGBTQ+ and sex work communities. The project is a partnership between Heads Bodies Legs Theatre Company and St Margaret’s House in Bethnal Green.
Check out this explanatory video to learn more about the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85-ykm7G7p8&feature=youtu.be
The writing workshops are led by poet Sophie Cameron and theatre-maker Ray Malone. The online writing workshop is planned for this Friday 4th December, 6:30 – 8:30. More workshops are planned from the end of January as part of the project, which will culminate in a masquerade in July, and will involve a series of short writing pieces. To be part of the writing group please email: mollymalone@stmargaretshouse.org.uk with a one line expression of interest.
Find out more here.
Dates: the workshop takes place on 4 December 2020
Source: direct contact